Hijama Bangladesh Hijama Bangladesh
Hijama Points in Human Body
Positions Of Hijama Point In Human Body

Preparation for Hijama


When determining the optimal odd cupping days, first and foremost practitioners and clients must consider the actual lunar position (full moon), tidal influences, and not solely based on the odd dates of the (sunnah) new moon sighting which is consistently miscalculated as a result of visibility, electricity (city lights), and other issues. While controversial, the fact remains, the commonly followed Mecca calendar is consistently one day off of the actual odd lunar calendar day. Meaning that when the full moon appears in the sky, on the 15th, it consistently corresponds to the commonly followed 16th Mecca (Saudi) calendar date. Persons who experience the benefits of the Night of Power, who actually know, not believe, but know, are acutely aware of these discrepancies in the commonly followed Mecca (Saudi) calendar days. On important dates such as the start of Ramadan you will find those who know fasting a day earlier, but they are also quick to recommend to everyone to continue fasting until those following the Mecca calendar stop fasting, in order to keep a unified EID celebration. This information is not intended to create division, but with respect to the proper odd day for cupping and receiving the maximum benefits possible it is of paramount importance and therefore needs to be addressed. When the authorized Khalifah of Allah is established these issues will become more clear. If you are not agreeing, their are plenty of people offering cupping, calling it hijama, who follow their mind and ego over Haqq.

As a practitioners with many years of experience, one who has inadvertently cupped on even days, I know the results and benefits substantially differ from the correct odd lunar days and therefore must adhere to the actual lunar dates and what I understand to be the Prophetic wisdom and purposes behind the odd day requirements for hijama - the maqasid al-sharia, or the aims and objectives of the Islamic law. Clients should carefully consider all information before deciding who and when to perform hijama. Insha'a Allah, all those who are sincere in their desire to follow the example of our beloved Prophet (saw) will enjoy full protection from any harm.

The most favored days for cupping are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday corresponding to the actual lunar date of the 17th, 19th and 21st odd lunar days. Cupping should not be performed on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are mentioned in the Prophetic tradition as not being favored as they are the Sabbath days for the Muslim, Jewish and Christian nations. Cutting of hair and clipping of nails, etc are also not to be performed on these days as well. While hijama is not strictly prohibited on these Friday and Sunday, it is best to avoid these days if there are no other favorable days in a particular lunar month. Therefore, one may perform hijama, especially for emergency cases on these corresponding odd calendar days. Allah knows best. If at all possible we recommend clients wait till the next month and perform hijama on the optimal days as the benefits are far greater. Hijama should also not be performed when people are fasting an entire compulsory day such as in the month of Ramadan.

There should be no real dangers in performing hijama on the wrong date, with an exception of Wednesdays where cupping should not be performed at all and carries some dangers.

Insha'a Allah, all those sincerely attempting to follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw) will enjoy protection from any harm.

Please be advised most other Muslim practitioners will differ in their odd day assessment and often blindly follow the commonly followed Mecca (Saudi) calendar. New moon sightings vary, actual lunar odd days do not.

If your cupping treatment does not work, this is likely the real cause.


Who Should be Cupped

Preventative cupping (hijama) is predominately prescribed for sexually active men thirty and older. Women are less susceptible to problems associated with cardiovascular illness until they reach the age of menopause. The monthly discharge of blood has a somewhat similar effect as does cupping (hijama). When a women's monthly course stops, preventative cupping (hijama) should be instituted as an annual or biannual preventative procedure for women. If special problems exist, cupping may be performed on women before menopause.

Cupping is an excellent remedy for persons with hypertension (high blood pressure). Those suffering from high blood pressure should be routinely cupped in the spring and fall until pressure normalizes. Proceed thereafter once a year as a preventative maintenance. In cases where high blood pressure results from abnormal cell growth from life long exposure to toxic chemical or directly related to Kidney dysfunction, cupping is less effective but still helps. Drastic lifestyle changes are normally required. Abnormal blood cells are not dead and cupping (hijama) will not remove abnormal cells until they die. Perform cupping to optimizing your system and combat the effects of abnormal cell growth caused by environmental exposures. Environmental illness normally requires a complete change in lifestyle to a naturally organic diet with regular exercise. We offer group seminars on these and other important topics.

While cupping can be an effective treatment for many emergency care situations a discussion of the use of cupping in emergency medicine is beyond the scope of this current work. It has been reported by Prophet Muhammad (saw) as being a cure for all disease. We do not dispute this. Conditions such as modern environmental exposure, toxicity, etc. are more like a limb being cut off than an illness. Cupping (hijama) will not make you grow a new arm or attach a severed leg. If you surgically can reattach the limb, cupping (hijama) will certainly help it heal faster. Environmental illnesses require drastic lifestyle changes.

Cupping is ideally and most effectively used as a preventative procedure.

Persons should also contact their doctors and not rely upon cupping as a substitute for standard medical care. (Legal Disclaimer)

Optimal Times For Cupping

Just as the moon affects the tide of the ocean, it affects the human body. Therefore, cupping should be performed on odd days of the lunar calendar when the forces of the moons pull assist in removing the dead blood cells. It is important to note that most practitioners blindly adhere to the commonly accepted Islamic calendar dates established in Saudi Arabia. These calendar dates are based on moon sightings and can often times be in contradiction with the actual odd day. For example, if it is cloudy one day and the moon can not be sighted it is sunnah (Prophetic tradition) to wait till the moon can be sighted. If conditions continue to not permit sighting then the new month automatically starts after the 31st day of the previous months sighting. This is fine to keep the community fasting and praying on the same days, but it does nothing to accurately determine the odd day as it relates to tidal forces. It is the tidal forces pulling out the blood from the body like waster from the shore, that is of paramount importance. The good news is if you get it wrong there will be no harm, but clients will not receive optimum results. Once practitioners establish an authentic ODD date, they should continue to calculate the odd dates from that confirmed date.

It should also be done in the second half of the lunar month. The 17th, 19th, and 21st days are the best for cupping. While less favorable, cupping (hijama) can also be performed on the 23rd and 25th days of the lunar month. You may utilize the full moon (15th) and tidal charts to help determine the lunar odd days.

Moderate climate is also important, not to hot and not to cold. When the flowers start to blossom and nature begins it's magical renewal, it is time for Cupping. Cupping may also be performed in the early fall, before the first frost.

Lunar Forces & Effects on the Body

You may have heard that the tide comes in and the tides goes out, but in fact a tide is the vertical movement of water and only goes up and down. Current is the horizontal or sideways flow of water. The current floods in which makes the tide rise and ebbs out which makes the tide fall. A tide is the rise and fall of water caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun on the oceans of the earth.

How do the movements of the sun and the moon affect tide? The gravitational pull of the moon tugs on the surface of the ocean until its surface mounds up and outward in the direction of the moon. When the mound of water has reached its highest point it is called high tide. On the opposite side of the earth from the moon, the centrifugal force caused by the earth's rotation produces another mound of water and high tide. Between these two high tides are two flat areas on the surface of the ocean which are the low tides.

Each day there are two high tides and two low tides. The time between high and low tide is a little over 6 hours and the entire tidal cycle repeats itself four times each day. The regularity of the tides corresponds to the regular orbit of the moon around the earth and the rotation of the earth as it orbits around the sun.

Depending upon the position of the moon relative to the earth and sun, a moon can have different phases. The phases of the moon are also very regular, and have been used for thousands of years to keep track of time using the lunar calendar. In addition to the daily movements of the moon, these monthly lunar cycles can also impact the tides.

Optimal Points for Cupping

Once again, cupping, with a few emergency exceptions, is best done as a preventative therapy. You will hear us say that often The traditional points for cupping to rid the entire body of dead blood cells when performed in the same cupping session are;

the two points adjacent to the seventh vertebra (heart position in acupuncture terms) on the back, approximately two inches from the spine.

the tail of the spine

the two inner positions of the feet on the ankle

and the top back side of the head normally where balding first starts and the hair moves out from all directions.

When the above points are cupped in one session it is sufficient to clean the entire body. No other points on the body need to be cupped when all of these points are cupped during the same cupping session. Most patients will not accept cupping the back of the head as shaving the spot that needs to be cupped is unacceptable to most patients. It is highly recommended that all these points be cupped in one session to clean the entire body.

We only recommend cupping the head on the 19th and 21st days of the lunar month.

These above described locations are the only cupping positions that the Broken Earth healers advise for preventative cupping and the positions they cup themselves. Excessive use of cupping is unnecessary and can be harmful. All patients should be cupped in the sitting position unless medical circumstances warrant otherwise.

For specific complaints and local injury, cupping can be applied most anywhere that it is possible to place a cup and obtain a good seal. Cuppers should exercise good judgment when applying cups to sensitive areas of the body. Most cupping practitioners have taken to charging per cup and thus the economic pressures to over cup are very real - a practice we strongly discourage. If properly performed, over cupping will likely have no real adverse impact on the health of a patient. Nonetheless, conservative cupping is recommended because infection and the potential marks resulting from cupping are possible. It is normally sufficient to use one cup to alleviate local conditions or injury and for one session only.

There are varying opinions about the best places to be cupped. Acupuncture points may or may not provide insight into the best positions to cup. Common sense suggests that there is some correlation but evidence is almost all anecdotal. Some mention of optimal places to cup are made in the sayings or teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The strength or accuracy of some of these teachings are sometimes debated amongst learned persons. These above concerns and points of debate mostly boil down to arguments that frustrate the industry and cause unnecessary concerns for patients.

True healers listen to the patient and then combine that information with a sense where the injury is present. It is a process of training that requires the practitioner to listen to their heart not their mind and know from spiritual understanding what place on the body will result in the most benefit from cupping. This is not something you can learn in books. Those person trained in Reika will likely have a better idea what we are attempting to convey more than most.

Despite our many warnings, the cupping industry will inevitably go the same way as the rest of the medical industry has proceeded. That medical industry is doing much harm and actually promotes more disease than it cures. When profit becomes the motive over service unto your Lord, the benefits of cupping as well as all other remedies is greatly diminished. For a more in depth discussion on these aspects of medicine read: Introduction to Natural Healing

We should all work to keep the practice of cupping as close to the methods utilized and prescribed by Prophets and Saints as possible. So much religious knowledge is being presented as academic knowledge. The spiritual aspect of religious understanding is being buried in the arguments and debates coming from people who like the following example - claim to know about marriage from reading 100 books on the subject but who have never actually been married or loved. They are foolish people claiming to know something they know nothing about. If you want to learn about marriage you must go to your heart. When you have questions you must go to someone who knows, like your grandparents. People with real experience who can provide good advice.

What works best with all healing methods and treatments is a full understanding that all cures come from the Creator.

Conditions & Dangers

Improper cupping procedures can cause blood clotting and lead to much more severe problems.

Patients should never rest after a procedure, remaining moderately active for several hours.

Cupping (healing) is more of a spiritual process than a physical process, find a cupper who understands the difference.

Cupping can be dangerous if not performed properly. Aggressive treatments (as seen in the picture) on several different parts of the body are to be avoided. Treatment performed outside of the optimal odd lunar calendar, last half of the lunar month, on spring and fall days is not recommended except in emergency situations only.

When the procedure is performed correctly and follow-up directions observed, there is very little risk involved with cupping. One out of every twenty-five people may experience some light headedness and some may even faint. This is normally the result of not having followed the preliminary restrictions or possibly due to weakness from an oncoming cold or flu. The real danger is falling and hitting your head as we always perform cupping in the seated position facing a prescribed direction. With proper monitoring this danger is greatly minimized. Any signs of dizziness or cold sweats should be reported immediately.

The following precautions should be followed

Persons interested in Cupping need to abstain from sexual intercourse 48 hours before the treatment is scheduled.

The day of the procedure patients should avoid food and drink, especially dairy products. One cup of Non-acidic herbal tea is permitted to help waken.

A warm shower should be taken as close to the time of the procedure as practical.

The tendency to become tired after cupping and want to rest is common but resting must be avoided for at least the first few hours after the procedure. This is why we schedule all cupping in the morning to avoid people from resting soon after the procedure and to make the fasting easier. Inactivity can result in the promotion of blood clotting, which is why resting is highly discouraged. In fact a half hour to one hour walk is highly recommended. The danger of clotting is rare but nonetheless possible. especially if falling asleep after the procedure.

Red marks from the cupping normally fade within a few days, depending on skin type. Do not scratch the cupped areas.

The small shallow incisions necessary to extract the dead blood cells may take a few weeks to heal. In some cases faint tiny lines of scarring may persist.

Massage or Dry Cupping

The popularity of massage cupping has grown in recent years and is now being offered as the latest treatment at many spas and by massage therapists looking to expand their services. As stated above, the main risks associated with cupping are from blood clotting. Massage therapists who draw dead blood cells to the surface of the skin and do not extract the dead blood cells from the body are greatly increasing the chance of blood clotting. While short sessions of cupping that do not cause red marks or bring dead blood cells to the surface may not carry any dangers of blood clotting, the benefits do not outweigh the potential risks and we recommend not utilizing this massage technique. As soon as cups are placed on the skin, dead blood cells start to be drawn from the body to the specific site. Massage alone is sufficient to promote circulation and healing - cupping should be reserved for removing dead blood cells from the body. A light message on areas to be cupped is favorable before cupping.


The information offered here is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as a means to perform cupping on patients without proper experience and training. While a rather simple procedure to perform, cupping is part of a healing discipline that often takes years of spiritual training to master. Please take the Cupping 101 Course if interested in becoming a cupping practitioner. We do hope that those believing they already posses the requirements to perform cupping will benefit from this offering and incorporate these conservative teachings into their own practice. Nothing here is intended as medical advise. If experiencing medical problems, consult a trained professional.

Before Hijama

All patients must arrive at least 15-20 minutes prior for preparation and fill out forms.

If you have any illness or take any medication please inform well in advance.

Patient should provide their complete medical history and any recent or long term illness.

Please inform us if you are allergic to anything, especially latex, alcohol or Iodine.

Please inform us in advance if you take Aspirin or any blood thinner of any strength or quantity.

Please inform us if you have a history of Vasovagal, easy fainting when giving or seeing blood or if you have lost conscious / fainted in the past.

Consult with your healthcare professional regarding cupping / Hijama if you have any health conditions.

Take a brief warm bath with the niyyah of ghusul, before Hijama to stimulate blood circulation and promote release of blood stasis.

Avoid eating for 3-4 hours prior. Drink plenty of water and sports drink (Gatorade etc..). You must not be fasting for longer than 3-4 hours. You must NOT skip any meals.

Refrain from sexual intercourse or any exhausting activity before Hijama.

Wear something comfortable to be able to easily change in patient gown.

If you suspect that you are afflicted with black magic or jinn please let us know before arriving so that we can come up with a proper plan of treatment with you.

Pray two rakkat 'Salat-ul-Hajja' and make dua to Allah to give you shifa through this Sunnah remedy.

Hijama is a spiritual treatment not a medical treatment; so have firm belief that success is in adapting the way of Prophet (saw).

After Hijama

To receive optimal health benefits, patients must take a walk for 20-30 minutes or more to keep the blood circulation. If you feel dizzy or light headed, lie down right away and raise your legs. Slowly stand up after 15 minutes if you feel better.

Resume eating with-in one hour after the Hijama in moderation. Drink plenty of fluids right after Hijama.

Stay active for at least next 4 hours.

NEVER sleep or rest after cupping as newly dislodged living and dead blood cells could result in clotting.

Refrain from showering immediately and don't scrub the wound site for several days. Some itchiness is expected. Scratching should be avoided as it will contribute to scaring or infection.

You must change bandage daily or as needed until the wound has completely healed.

Red marks from the cupping normally fade within a week, depending on skin type. Do not scratch the cupped areas.

The small shallow scratches that are necessary to extract the dead blood cells may take a few weeks to heal. In some cases faded tiny lines of scarring may persist.

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